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Dance starts 

The week of Mon Sept 11

2023 we are in our 35th YEAR of 5 ... 6 ... 7... 8

Here we go - that time of year again and we can't wait!  


Karen Clark Dance Studio Alumni ~ Thank you for coming back to us.  If you are new to our studio … a warm welcome to you - we hope you feel part of our dance family very soon.  We are looking forward to spending our dance year with each and everyone of you!


Thank you to everyone for taking care and making our studio NUT FREE.  This includes all food that contains nuts too!   This year,  we have 6 dancers that are anaphylactic.  

If your dancer is going to be missing from class please let us know via the link below. This link is also on the home page of our web site.   Absent - please click here

NOT DANCE AGAIN - 2023 - our last Recital

You did it!  A wonderful performance.  Thank you DANCERS ~ we are so proud of you!   Thank you PARENTS ~ your support is so appreciated. Thank you FACULTY ~ you make dance dreams come true! We can't wait to get started on our 23/24 dance year with you!



2023 MEDIA info was sent to your inbox on June 28. If you need the info resent please click here



You can update your contact/account/payment information, check class times, on-line.  Please go to our web site home page - click on the ‘Manage Your KCDS Account On-Line’ Log in with your e-mail address.  Forgot your password – hit the ‘forgot your password’ button and away you go!   



Monday through Friday -  3:00pm - 8:00pm, Saturday, 09:30am - 2:00pm

Working in our office we welcome:  Miss Mary Lou, aka: Mumsie, (Karen & Richelle's Mom,) Miss Debbie,

Miss Sue, Miss Terri and

Miss Rachael.

 To reach the studio office the phone number is 250-658-0445.  


Our newsletters are posted on our web site on the 1st of each month.  If you do not have Internet access please call the studio office and we will arrange a hard copy for you.  Newsletters are very important to keep updated with studio info. 

Newsletters will not be sent to you – we ask that you go on line and read them. 

Royal Academy of Dance Ballet Classes 

Congratulations to our Dancers that took their exam in June. 

RAD Exam Ballet Deposit of $90.00 will be posted to your account and charged on November 3.

Competition Team & Competition Class Information


Competition Team & Class members please check the web site under the "CompTeam" Button often.  



Please mark these dates down and keep these dates open.  All classes will perform in one rehearsal and one recital.  We will head into our dance year with this goal in mind and be ready if changes are necessary. 

RECITALS: May 03, 04, (2 shows on the 4th.)

DRESS REHEARSALS:  April 23, 24, 25. The Recital Breakdown of what class performs in which show will be available in early 2024. 

If you have more than one child dancing or a child taking more than one class a week, please be aware that you could be involved in more than one show.  This would mean purchasing tickets for all shows you plan on attending. 


Monday, October 9 the sutdio is closed.  There are regular classes on Saturday, October 7 and 8. 

September 30, 
National Day for Truth and
The studio will be closed.


When starting back, classes do a review of previous work.  As the first couple of weeks pass, classes will progress into the next level of the syllabus.  Everyone will be anxious for something new ... hold tight, it's coming.  In some cases Dancers have been off for several weeks and we want to ward off injury as we work towards being at the top of our game.



With new dancers, everything is new and different, even if they have danced before but have changed studios.  New dancers sometimes feel awkward and worry that they won't remember all they have been shown.  Please reassure them they only have to remember to come to class, we will do the rest.  With in two or three classes new dancers start to feel like they belong.  They need time to connect with their teachers and feel comfortable in their surroundings.  Please remind them they don't have to be perfect, just try their best. 



As we start our dance year there may be class changes for our dancers.  We don't want a dancer in a class where they have nothing new to learn, but equally we don't want the class to be too difficult.  There is a fine line between feeling challenged as opposed to the class being too hard.  The trick is for us is to find the class that offers the challenge along with the enjoyment of dance.  We want each dancer to strive for their personal best.   It takes a few lessons for faculty to assess their classes.


As dance teachers, we have your Dancer's best interest in mind. There is no way to correct alignment if your Dancer doesn't wear form-fitting attire to class, because teachers won't see what's happening underneath any sort of baggy clothes.  Dancers could develop habits that hold back their progress. Unlike teaching math, dance teachers have to constantly watch every student's body as much as we have to teach the brain. Dressing in the same colour allows both the class teacher and our Dancers to focus on the movements, correction and direction when watching the class or looking in the mirror. Thank you Parents for helping us out by following our simple dress code rules and bring your Dancer to class prepared!


We are interested in a dancer's age, but we are excited when we know their ability.  Everyone learns at a different rate.  There is no passing or failing in dance,  it is  common to have classes with mixed ages so that dancer's abilities match.  In the Junior, Intermediate and Senior, levels dancers may expect to spend more than one year completing each designated syllabus level.  This is not uncommon.  Regular attendance is very important.  Studio Faculty meet regularly to discuss dancer's progress and/or placement. It is our policy to offer appropriate opportunities to every child.  Placement decisions are derived from many years of teaching experience. Often a child is placed in a particular group or class where he or she will feel confident, in order to promote the development of self-esteem. Some dancers who are placed in a higher level become discouraged, only to lose their passion for dance. Others respond to the challenge of being in a class with dancers who are more proficient by pushing themselves to work harder. Placement is highly individual and the factors that go into the decision are complex.   We  keep a close eye on our classes as to maintain the standard of the class.

  • In every class level, there will be dancers at the top, middle and bottom of the ladder.  EVERY POSITION ON THAT LADDER IS ESSENTIAL TO YOUR DANCER’S GROWTH.  Dancers will spend considerable time on each rung.


  • When a dancer is new to a group, the adrenaline is pumping and the heart is racing. New information is being received at lightning speed. A Dancer is inspired by those around them and they struggle to keep up.  When he/she tells you about their class, in the car ride home, he/she likely says: "It was hard." or "I felt challenged." That's all fine and good, we remember his/her body is not strong enough yet to execute the skills properly, so while our Dancer thinks he/she is working at an advanced level, he/she is really just skimming the surface.  There is nothing wrong this that - it is how learning takes place.


  • In time, the syllabus begins to look and sound familiar. The shiny newness of the class is starting to fade. Repetition sets in. This is where we see work ethic play a big part. Successful dancers will dig their teeth in and work to master the skills through repetition. Mature dancers will understand that it's not enough to skim the surface. Dancers need to execute the skills correctly and that means doing them over and over again, taking their corrections, week after week. It means understanding the mechanics, not just going through the motions. This can be very hard for dancers.  We encourage our Dancers while watching then carefully. If we feel they are ready for the next level we are quick to make the move.



  • This is where we expect dancers to refine the details of the skills they are learning. By now they should have the strength, flexibility and muscle memory to execute skills in a safe and correct manner. Time to stand in the front! Time to be the leader! Time for the teacher to have you demonstrate! The unfortunate reality is that many dancers and parents are in a rush to skip over this rung. They want the immediate gratification of a "promotion" to a new level. This is a mistake! Imagine how Dancers are cheated if they are promoted too soon! Not only do they miss the chance to refine their movements but they miss the confidence building experience of being a leader in their class and the successful feeling when the syllabus feels comfortable.  We never want to put our Dancers in a place where they are unable to give us what is expected - the successful feeling of accomplishment is our goal. 

Calendar Of Closures

The Studio will be closed during these dates. 



  • Saturday, September 30


  • Monday, October 9


  • Tuesday, October 31


  • Saturday, November 11


  • Tuesday, December 19 - Friday,  January 5.

  • Last class Monday, December 18.

  • First class back Saturday, January 6 , 2024. 


  • Monday, February 19, 2024 


  • March 25 - 28 - 1 week only leading to EASTER


  • ​March 29, 30, 31, April 1, 2024


  • MAY 18, 19, 20, 2024 –  NO RAD EXAM BALLET

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Private Facebook Page,  Twitter and Instagram, please follow us and you will get web site updates and have an extra window into all the happenings. Please click on the logos at the bottom of our web site. 

October 15-21
As long as things stay on track with our dance year we are planning on Parent Viewing October 15-21


  • Withdrawal for KCDS COMPETITION TEAM & COMPETITION CLASS DANCERS: September 30, 2023

  • ​Withdrawal for KCDS  DANCERS: October 31, 2023


KCDS Competition Team & Competition Class Dancers: Written notice (e-mail is acceptable) is required for withdrawal from class (es) and will be accepted until, September 30, 2023. Please submit your written notice to us by the 30th of the month. This will result in you not being charged on the 1st of the next month. After September 30, 2023 it is expected that dancers will remain with the studio Competition Team for the dance year, Sept 2023 to May 2024. Performance Fee Costume deposit(s) $110.00 class due after the drop out date of September 30, 2023 and are non-refundable.  RAD Exam deposit(s) $90.00/ graded classes and Vocational classes are charged on November 3, 2023.

KCDS Non- Competition Dancers: Written notice (e-mail is acceptable) is required for withdrawal from class (es) and will be accepted until, Oct. 31, 2023. Please submit your written notice to us by the 30th of the month. This will result in you not being charged on the 1st of the next month. After October 31, 2023 it is expected that dancers will remain with the studio for the dance year, Sept 2023 to June 2024. Performance Fee Costume deposit(s) $95.00 class charged on November 2, 2023 ~ due after the drop out date of  October 31, 2023 and are non-refundable. The RAD Exam deposit(s) $90.00/grade are charged on November 3, 2023.

KCDS clothing information will be available in the October Newsletter.
Please drop into the studio office to see what's on the sale rack in September

Thank you for Choosing KCDS!  


4499 Viewmont Avenue  (@ West Saanich Road)
Victoria, BC, V8Z 5K8 
250-658-0445 |



We acknowledge and respect the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples on whose traditional territory Karen Clark Dance Studio stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day. We give thanks and show our gratitude to the people whose land we have the honour to live, work and dance upon.




© 2006 - 2025  Karen Clark Dance Studio Inc - all rights reserved

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